Frequently Asked Questions
Thank you for your interest in applying! Please read through the FAQs to learn all about the application process and responsibilities. We review applications twice a year. The deadlines to submit an application are as follows:​ Submit your completed application by January 31st; approvals will be announced by the following April or submit your completed application by September, and approvals will be announced by October.
Please be sure to review the application checklist as incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
Who is eligible for a Greenlove Water Bottle Filling Station?
Schools, parks, and recreational areas and eligible for a Greenlove Foundation Water Bottle Filling Station donation. For schools that do not already have an environmental educational awareness program in place, our Greenlove Educational Awareness Program is available and applicable to all K-12 schools.
If you think your organization is a good candidate for a Greenlove donation, but doesn't meet our exact criteria, please email us at
How do I apply for a Greenlove Water Bottle Filling Station?
There are 2 ways to obtain a Greenlove hydration station. Please note that before you apply you must first have the approval of your Principal and/or Superintendent’s office.
1) Track # 1 - If your school already has an environmental awareness program including a focus on single use plastic, you will follow Track # 1.
2) Track # 2 - Alternatively, if your school does not have an environmental awareness program including a reduction of single use plastics, you will follow
Track # 2 . You may use Greenlove’s educational awareness program guide to implement a program at your school.
What does Greenlove donate?
After an approved application and a signed commitment letter, Greenlove donates a hydration station with a traditional water fountain and a hands free refillable water bottle component. The unit arrives with one filter also donated by Greenlove. Click here for general information on ELKAY’s water bottle filling station. Greenlove reserves the rights to donate a different model and make if necessary.
Greenlove also purchases and donates a plaque to be installed above the hydration station; the plaque acknowledges that the hydration station has been donated by Greenlove, in memory of Kendra L. Bowers.

Are there any costs to the school/organization?
The school costs are the cost of installation (if any), and the cost of purchasing future filters and maintaining the unit.
Where can I buy filters?
Future filters may be purchased through our distributor, Mission Water Co. by contacting Ian Zoundi, You may also locate your own supplier.
Who installs the unit?
Generally the installation is done in house under the facilities or maintenance department. Confirm with your school department or organization that they are willing to do the installation.
What are Greenlove’s responsibilities?
commits to purchase and order the unit
coordinate shipping and delivery of the hydration station with distributor
purchases and arranges delivery of the Greenlove plaque
Coordinates ceremony date with the school
Submits a press release
What are the school/organization’s responsibilities?
Responsible for submitting a complete application
Make arrangements for the installation
Submit confirmation letter from the facilities department (click here to download sample facilities request letter)
Sign commitment letter after approval (Greenlove will provide upon approval)
Purchase future filters
Maintain the unit operable and clean
Provide a donation acknowledgment letter (click here to download sample acknowledgment letter)
Provide water counts via email to a Greenlove member 3 times per year
Agree to social media publicity
What is the purpose of the ceremony?
To acknowledge the educational efforts by the students and school community and share the Greenlove message. The ceremony is held after the installation. The date and time of the ceremony is coordinated between the school/organization and Greenlove.
What are the Warranties on the unit?
The hydration station warranties are those provided by the manufacturer. If you have technical issues you may contact the distributor, Mission Water CO and speak to Ian Zoudi at (855) 558-9600 or email Ian at
Timeline of Installation
The timing depends on when the application is submitted, board approval, and on the inventory of the hydration station at the current time.
The Board meets monthly to review and approve applications. Once approved and a signed commitment is received, Greenlove will proceed to make purchase and delivery arrangements.
More questions?
If you have more questions, please contact Greenlove at info@greenlovefoundation to make arrangements to speak to a Greenlove team member. We are happy to help with any doubts or concerns you have.